TAKE Care® Responsibility Program

Responsibly Enjoying the Moments that Matter

At High Country Beverage, we believe in creating reasons to celebrate – but we firmly believe in doing so responsibly.

The message of the TAKE Care® Responsibility Program from High Country Beverage is simple: drink responsibly, be safe, call for a ride, and never drink and drive. When alcohol is abused, it can affect everyone, and sometimes tragically. That’s why it’s important for everyone to know their limits and encourage others to do the same. It’s all about taking care of ourselves and those around us.

And since parents have the most influence on a teen’s decision to drink, we encourage you to have open and honest conversations with your children about drinking. Let’s work together to empower them with knowledge and help them to make responsible choices.

Did You Know?

Your liver eliminates less than one ounce of pure alcohol per hour. If a 150-pound male drank the below amounts in an hour on an empty stomach, his judgment and ability would be impaired. 

  • Two 12-oz beers or 2 oz. of 100 proof spirits in an hour = .05 BAC
  • Four 12-oz beers or 4 oz. of 100 proof spirits in an hour = .10 BAC = DUI (.08 in Colorado is a DUI)
  • Eight 12-oz beers or 8 oz of 100 proof spirits in an hour = .20 BAC

This is an example only. BAC levels may vary by individual based on certain circumstances (e.g., size, gender, rate of consumption, strength of drink, drug use, food consumption, etc.).

Source: TIPS Training Guide

What is the effect of BAC?

  • At .02 BAC, light to moderate drinkers begin to feel some effect.
  • At .04 BAC, most people begin to feel relaxed.
  • At .06 BAC, judgment is somewhat impaired. People are less able to make rational decisions about their capabilities.
  • At .08 BAC, there is a definite impairment of muscle coordination and driving skills. This is an illegal level for intoxication in Colorado.
  • .08 BAC = DUI
  • At .12 BAC, vomiting usually occurs unless this level is reached slowly or the person has developed tolerance to alcohol.
  • At .15 BAC, balance and movement are impaired. This BAC means the equivalent of ½ pint (8 ounces) of 80 proof spirits is circulating in the blood.

Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

  • Person is unconscious or semi-conscious and cannot be awakened.
  • Person has cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin.
  • Breathing is slow, less than eight breaths per minute, or irregular, with 10 seconds or more between breaths.
  • Person may be vomiting while “sleeping” or passed out and not waking up after vomiting. Be sure his/her airway is open.


If a person has any of these symptoms, he or she is suffering from acute alcohol intoxication.

What to do:

  • Get help. Call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • Do not leave the person alone. Turn the victim on his/her side to prevent choking in case of vomiting.
  • Never assume that someone will be okay. It is always better to be safe than sorry.


